Changing Verizon account info

Posted: November 23rd, 2009 | Author: | Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , , | No Comments »

I have Verizon FiOS Internet.
I do not have phone or TV service through them.
I do not receive a bill in the mail from them. Every month it is automatically debited from my bank account/credit card.
I am switching banks.
I have no idea what my account number is with Verizon. So I had to call them…..

12:36pm called 800-VERIZON (800-837-4966)
Male answered after many minutes on hold and was able to pull it up my account with my name and address. I provided him my new credit card info.
He gave me a confirmation number: XX-00000000000.
He said I had 2 accounts on file and didn’t know what account it was for. He just updated my billing info only.
The active account number could be either
X000000000 (odd that there both different sizes….)
He advised me that when I sign in online that I would need to know that 10/19 or 11/19 is my last billing date for the website.
He tried to upsell me FiOS TV for an additional 55 monies a month. I told him that was way too much. He stated in a shocked voice “You think $55 is too much a month for TV??!” I told him “Yep!” Netflix is $9 bucks a month.

When he tried to upsell me internet speeds he couldn’t give me the advertised online price. He also said I would need a one year agreement if I wanted the faster plans (or pay more a month with out having a commitment). I declined due to that.
12:54pm End call 12:54
Total length of call: 18 minutes

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